4 Tips To Help You Store Your Wine

Wine is the perfect addition to any dinner party or a quiet evening at home. It comes in many different varietals, so there's something to please every palate. However, every wine enthusiast needs to understand proper techniques for storing wine. Here are four tips to help you store your wine to keep it fresh:

1. Store it in a dark location.

Sunlight can degrade the quality of your wine. That's why wine is typically bottled and stored in dark glass containers. However, the tint of the glass isn't enough to protect the wine over time. For best results, store your wine in a dark location that doesn't get any natural or artificial light.

2. Store it in a cool place.

If you're not going to drink your wine immediately, you should refrigerate it. Wine does best when stored at a constant, low temperature. Ideally, you should store your wine at 54 degrees Fahrenheit, although any temperature between 48 to 75 degrees is safe for wine. Since you have limited space in your refrigerator, it's probably not a good place for your wine collection. If you're serious about wine, you should invest in a climate controlled storage space. They will hold your wine at the proper temperature so it can age well over time.

3. Store it on its side.

Never store a wine upright for extended periods of time. When you do this, the bottom of the cork can dry out, which can lead to shrinkage and eventually spoiled wine. Storing your wine on its side keeps the cork moistened with wine, which ensures that the seal will hold. If you don't have a wine rack in your house, look into utilizing a climate controlled storage service specifically for wine.

4. Store it at an ideal humidity.

You may not know that humidity is good for wine. That's because the cork holding your wine inside the bottle is porous, which means it can absorb moisture from the air. In dry conditions, your cork may dry out, which can allow the wine in the bottle to slowly evaporate over time. 70% humidity is the perfect level of moisture in the air. It's better to err on the side of too much humidity than too little, but excess humidity can lead to mold issues. A climate controlled storage service will be able to provide the perfect amount of humidity without fear of mildew, mold, or water damage.
