Want To Start Sculpting? Here Are A Few Things You Need

Did you go to a school where you had the opportunity to make sculptures and creations out of clay? Have you ever had the desire to create something out of clay as an adult? It can sometimes be difficult to know how to get into pottery, unless you have a friend or relative who can show you the ropes. If you are trying to figure it out on your own, look no further. Here are the basic things that you need to know in order to get started in sculpting. 

Clay Matters

There are several different types of clay that you can find online or in stores to sculpt with. The type you choose will depend on your personal preferences, as well as the equipment you have at your disposal. For example, most types of clay require that you use a kiln to fire it once your piece is done. Firing clay takes it from a malleable form to a permanent pottery form. Air dry clay, on the other hand, does not need to be fired or baked. When left in a dry, warm room, air dry clay hardens into its permanent form. Many people think that air dry clay is something similar to play-doh for children, though this assumption is incorrect. Pick a clay that has the finished look that you desire, and a firing method that you can handle. 


The method in which you create your piece depends greatly on your personal aesthetic and style. Throwing pottery is when clay is placed in the center of a spinning wheel, and then the artist uses water and their hands to mold it into shapes as it spins. This method can be challenging for a beginner, though many people find it an extremely effective way to create quick and professional looking pieces. Sculpting clay can be done from putting pieces of clay together, or scraping clay away from a large block or ball. This is usually how people begin. If you want to try a more advanced type of sculpting, you may want to check for pottery or art classes in your area. 


Once you have your clay picked out, you will know what you need to bake it. Kilns can be purchased online, or you may be able to use one in your community. Many artists also enjoy using sponges and small hand tools to get the shape and texture they desire. Sculpting kits or individual tools can be purchased online. 

In conclusion, pottery and sculpture art are both extremely gratifying and fun hobbies, you just need to invest a little in order to get started. Visit your local hobby supply store for more information on products for sculpture art, or you could order your supplies online. However you get your clay and supplies, make sure to enjoy yourself as you create.  
